Ders ID'leri ve isimleri uluslararası standartlara göre belirlenmiştir. Derslerin içeriği Türkçe olacaktır.
Bölüm Bilgileri
​Psikoloji disiplini insanın zihinsel süreç ve davranışlarını inceler. Psikoloji Lisans Programı, öğrencinin bu farklı dallarda bilgi kazanmasını, psikolojideki temel kuramsal yaklaşımları tanımasını, sağlam bir yöntem bilgisi ve araştırma altyapısı edinmesini öngörmektedir.
MAT133 Introduction to Statistical Analysis (3)
MAT240 Applied Statistics (3)
BIO210 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology (3)
POL210 American Politics (3)
SCI215 Contemporary Health (3)
SOC112 Introduction to Sociology (3)
SOC213 Sociology of Social Problems (3)
SOC317 Sociology of the Family (3)
SOC320 Sociology of Gender (3)
SOC326 Sociology of Deviant Behavior (3)
SOC328 Sociology of Aging (3)
PSY108 Introduction to Psychology (3)
PSY223 Research I: Statistics for Psychology (3)
PSY224 Research II: Scientific Investigations (3)
PSY444 Senior Seminar in Psychology (Capstone) (3)
PSY211 Lifespan Development (3)
PSY215 Abnormal Psychology (3)
PSY216 Psychology of Personality (3)
PSY257 Social Psychology (3)
PSY300 Biopsychology (3)
PSY305 Cognitive Psychology (3)
PSY323 Psychology of Gender (3)
PSY324 Cross-Cultural Psychology (3)
PSY326 Social Cognition and Perception (3)
PSY327 Social Influence (3)
PSY405 Contemporary Issues in Social Psychology (3)
SNHU290 Experiential Learning (3)
SNHU495 Internship (3)
ENG122 English Composition I
ENG123 English Composition II
MAT240 Applied Statistics (3)
IDS100 Perspectives in Liberal Arts (3)
BUA107 Success Strategies for Online Learning (3)
HUM100 Perspectives in the Humanities (3)
HUM200 Applied Humanities (3)
SCS100 Perspectives in the Social Sciences (3)
SCS200 Applied Social Sciences (3)
SCI100 Perspectives in the Natural Sciences (3)
SCI200 Applied Natural Sciences (3)
HIS100 Perspectives in History (3)
HIS200 Applied History (3)
IDS403 Technology and Society (3)
IDS404 Popular Culture (3)


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